söndag 14 augusti 2011


Ok, eftersom jag är en fantastisk människa så laddade jag väl ner eboken så att ni mina litteraturloving cykelläsare ska få läsa lite. Det fanns bara på engelska, så ha tålamod, men det är så jävla bra. Det börjar såhär. Seidevarre, Norsk-Finsk-Ryska-skogarna:

It took me four days to cover ninety miles. There was a road through the forest for the first twenty, but after that I had to travel by rowing boat from isolated farm to farm along the river Pasvik. Endless forest. Huge, dark firs for mile after mile after mile. The river as broad and silent as a lake in a fairy tale. Like a mirror unlooked-in since time began. On the fourth day two men rowed me all day, and we did not pass a single farm or see a single sign of man. Only the silver-blue sheen of the endless river, the endless trees. Towards evening we came in sight of a house and a clearing. Two small meadows carpeted with buttercups, like slabs of gold in the somber forest. We had arrived at Seidevarre.
It was a place where nature was triumphant over man. Not savagely triumphant, as one
may feel in the tropics. But calmly, nobly triumphant. It is sentimental to talk of a landscape having a soul, but that one possessed a stronger character than any other I have seen, before or since. It ignored man. Man was nothing in it. It was not so bleak that he could not survive in it — the river was full of salmon and other fish and the summer was long and warm enough to grow potatoes and a crop of hay — but so vast that he could not equal or tame it. I make it sound forbidding, perhaps. However, from being rather frightened by the solitude when I first arrived at the farm, I realized in two or three days that I had fallen in love with it. Above all, with its silences. The evenings. Such peace. Sounds like the splash of a duck landing on the water, the scream of an osprey, came across miles with a clarity that was first incredible—and then mysterious because, like a cry in an empty house, it seemed to make the silence, the peace, more intense. Almost as if sounds were there to distinguish the silence, and not the reverse.

Åh herregud! Den här boken! Så bra! Och efter det här, åh det är en berättelse i berättelsen egentligen och handlar om en man uppe i de där skogarna som är blind och religiöst besatt och det är så vansinnigt obehagligt att jag inte ens vågar läsa klart det nu eftersom jag är ensam hemma och det är mörkt och jag inte kommer kunna sova. Men gud, jag tror den kan vara lite svår att få tag på nu, men köp pocketen om ni kommer över den!

4 kommentarer:

Peter sa...

Du som älskar litteratur - vad gillar du denna tolkning?

Lisa sa...

gillar allt sånt där förstås. älskar ju även den här gamla favoriten:


Kristin sa...

Jag gillade utdraget skarpt! Vad hette boken nu igen sa du?

Lisa sa...

Illusionisten. av John Fowles. Kan verkligen verkligen rekommendera!